If you’ve ever played this game on the PC, you know what it’s about. If you don’t, let me enlighten you : you have to use some really amusing balls of goo to get from point A to point B. That’s the short version anyway. If you’re into it, there’s also some back-story and other things to keep into consideration. I don’t know for sure if it’s maintained in the Android version, but on the PC version this game has a multiplayer mode as well. In that mode, you must use all of your surplus goo-balls to build a tower as high as it can go. It’s quite fun for the PC version, so I’m sure it should be for the Android as well. Plus, it was voted game of the year by several high voices for other consoles as well, such as the Wii or the iPad.
All the levels in this game are beautiful, strange and slightly dangerous. All of the things from the other platforms have been successfully transferred to this version as well. Along the way, undiscovered new species of Goo Ball, each with unique abilities, come together to ooze through reluctant tales of discovery, love, conspiracy, beauty, electric power, and the third dimension. There is also a strong element of humor in this game, provided skillfully by the signs placed here and there by the ominous Sign Painter.
All and all this game is pretty much awesome and well worth its price. Many people that bought it for the PC purchased it for the Android as well without thinking twice.