The CEO of Nokia, as well as other people who are glad that Nokia finally chose to go with a competitive OS and leave Symbian behind, think that WP7 was Nokia’s best choice for survival and growth. I beg to differ.
Myriad is an important partner in the Open Handset Alliance, which Google formed to help develop and support the Android platform, and they’ve released a press release today that says they modified the Dalvik virtual machine inside Android, to work on most […]
It wasn’t long ago when Garner, the research company, said that by the end of 2014 Symbian will have 31% market share and Android 29%, and predicted that soon after that, Android will surpass Symbian. When they made the prediction Android had […]
Motorola Xoom will be launched by the end of next month, and Google has already released the Honeycomb Preview SDK so developers can start making changes to their apps, so they work well and look good on the upcoming Honeycomb tablets. But […]
Nokia is losing a few points of market share every quarter, and even though their revenue is growing, mostly because the whole smartphone market is growing very fast, they are being outpaced by most of the important smartphone players.