The recent polls show that Android Jelly Bean is still way below expectations. While when you consider all the Android OS versions as a whole, Android ends up as it is dominating more than half of the world-wide OS market, if you […]
If you’re a fan of Simulator type games ( personally, I’m not a fan of them – on any platform ), then you will most certainly enjoy this game. C.H.A.O.S., as the creator dubbed it, or Combat Helicopter Assault Operation Simulator, is […]
N.O.V.A., or Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance, is apparently a pretty good looking series of games on Android. I am really sorry to have been completely oblivious to its existence, but my weak Android phone is mostly to blame as it can barely […]
Some time ago I did a small article about the Ubuntu OS for phones. This article is also sort of related to that particular topic. This is not really related to the Ubuntu Mobile OS as that one tries to create an […]
The free-to-attend Android developer event at Apps World North America on February 7-8 in San Francisco is all set to feature various leading Android developers, authors, evangelists and operators divulging their expertise on all things Droid. Sponsored by Barnes & Noble, the Android developer conference runs […]