It looks like we are getting more and more interesting rumors about the Motorola Xoom lately. The latest one is a document leak that shows that Xoom will be launched on February 17th, which is believable considering that Motorola said the Xoom […]
It’s been a month and a half since Nexus S appeared on the market. Every Nexus One user expected to get Android 2.3 on their phones just days after that, but that didn’t happen. After all this time Google hasn’t ported Android […]
I think it’s to be expected and it makes sense that Android for phones and Android for tablets should be the same version, just function slightly different because of the screen size. At the end of the day, phones are tablets and […]
Quadrant has been the most popular benchmark tool for quite a while now, even though it’s been obvious for a while that it’s a flawed benchmark tool that tended to give higher score to Snapdragon chips, and lower to others. I think […]
It looks like Europeans will get there hands on the first dual core Tegra 2 phone as early a February 25th, for a price that is significantly lower than the 550 euro price that was originally rumored. New rumors say the price […]