Today we’ll be taking a look at a game for small children. Now I personally do not like these games, but I see their necessity. With today’s technology being as it is, you can’t expect to have a child an keep it oblivious to all of it. Therefore, as I am a solid believer in learning from play, I find these educative Android games to be quite illuminating for the young minds. The bright colors, nice graphics and educative game-play should do quite well for any child, as they will enhance the learning experience by quite a bit.

Judging from the reception this game received, my theory about this game being great for kids has been proven to be correct. All people say the same thing: this game is great for kids. And, as the name suggests, it was created for a certain category of children – the preschoolers.


  • This game contains a lot of short educational mini-games appropriate for preschoolers ( of ages 2 to 5 ) and serve in teaching them about colors, letters, counting, shapes , differences and matching
  • The beautifully rendered animated monkey provides encouragement during the play
  • The lively sound effects and the voice recording create a fun atmosphere guaranteed to get your child hooked
  • Since children often respond well to rewards, this game offers cartoon stickers for the won games
  • The game can be played indefinitely as the mini-games flow from one to another


From the encouraging monkey laughing and turning all sorts of somersaults to the playful music and sound effects, it is easy to get drawn into this game with a smile. With a continuous series of mini-games, kids are repeatedly challenged to identify colors, letters, numbers and shapes in different and exciting ways.
One of the things this game tests is the memory. Can you remember which fruit is where as you uncover tiles an look for the matching one? Can you place the colorful puzzle pieces back in their rightful place? Can you manage to pick up all the red fruit? There are over six varieties of mini-games in total, and they all change with each play. As one of them ends, the other begins instantly, providing you with a non-stop and entertaining learning experience.
An animated little monkey provides you with cheerful encouragement with facial expressions and energetic somersaults as you proceed from one game to another. Meanwhile, the friendly voice of the narrator reads out loud the questions and the choices, all the while being accompanied by calypso music. The rewarding part comes into play here: as you win more and more victories in a row, you get to choose a cartoon sticker and place it on your sticker board. Keep playing and winning in order to collect all of them.
You can get this nifty little game from Amazon.

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