Today we’ll be reviewing this nifty little game about fruit genocide. This game is a pretty nice one and a good time passer, but it gets repetitive quite quick. Still, many prefer this little game as a time-passer to actually doing something […]
Today we’ll be taking a look at another really awesome Android game. This is a classic sort of game, a game in which you’re supposed to just examine pictures or certain locations and figure out clues and links between events. In other […]
Today we’re going to be reviewing Crossword, a really awesome Android Game for most ages. I am using the word Most instead of All, as you may be required to be able to read and write in order to complete this game. […]
Today we’ll be reviewing an Android Game, and a really good one too. This game is similar, in a way, to Angry Birds as far as the level selection goes ( I gave that example since this game is the most known […]
Lately, a lot of Android users are frustrated by the quality of the Android Market. While the quality of the applications overpassed the ones that are created for iPhone, there are still a lot of people that are unsatisfied by official app […]