If you’re a fan of Simulator type games ( personally, I’m not a fan of them – on any platform ), then you will most certainly enjoy this game. C.H.A.O.S., as the creator dubbed it, or Combat Helicopter Assault Operation Simulator, is […]
There are certain apps around the Google Play marketplace that actually make you consider dishing out a little money for. Some are more expensive than others, but then again, those few some are actually an investment. You will profit from them in […]
N.O.V.A., or Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance, is apparently a pretty good looking series of games on Android. I am really sorry to have been completely oblivious to its existence, but my weak Android phone is mostly to blame as it can barely […]
Today we’ll be taking a look at a relatively interesting Android Game with which I have had personal experience. I have personally played this game and find it quite interesting, really. It’s a really great time-passer, but I can honestly say that […]
Today we’ll be reviewing a puzzle / adventure game. This is a very good buy if you are into adventure games which have a very well built puzzle element to their name. Plus, this game must be good, since if it wasn’t […]