This is yet another really fun Tower Defense game for those of you that are fond of the genre.

This game is quite easy on the eyes, having a sort of eye-candy but not exactly. It’s pretty colorful and pleasant.

Official Description :

Tower defense for the world’s great tower defenders!

a letter arrived for you today…
Dear You,

We know you’ve got some very interesting and valuable treasures. We also heard you’ve hidden them all throughout the realms, attempting to keep them from us. Your endeavors are laughable; we are coming for your stuff. We’re sure you’ll try to defend your loot with your silly towers, but we’ve got some tricks up our sleeves and some friends to help us out.

We’ll see you soon.

— The Thieves
The thieves have come to pillage. You have many resources at your disposal to defend yourself, but the thieves can be tricky. You’ll need a solid strategy to safeguard your loot from the thieves and their conniving friends.

For those who like the numbers…
~2000 waves (campaign mode, there is an endless mode too) in 25 battlefields in 6 realms, 3 difficulty modes, 15 thieves, 10 towers each with 6 levels of upgrade, 4 researches plus a specialized research for each tower, 3 achievement levels per battlefield, 6 preferences, 5 ways of categorizing the high scores, 29 almanac entries, 30+ sound files, 200+ image files, 400+ classes and 40,000+ lines of code. There were previously 2 donuts, but I’ve eaten them.

You can get it from the Android Market

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