Android phones are basically a dominating type of phone. They have some great advantages for adults but Android also have some brilliant advantages that will help to a child benefit. There are many great features of the Android phone that will help kids keep safe, have entertainment, learn and be informed about the world.
As people may know Android phones have certain apps that can indeed be installed to the phone. Some of these apps can be very helpful towards kids especially on the learning side of things. Apps such as ‘Shape Builder Preschool Puzzle’ and ‘Alphabet Bingo’ are very typical examples of ways the Android phone can help kids. These apps are suitable for a younger audience such as preschoolers, these apps help the younger audience by teaching them the alphabet in fun ways as we see the bingo game. They can also help the kids with the bright colours for colour familiarization. ‘Alphabet Bingo’ is a great example to use as a way of how Android phones help kids because it is a fun way to learn the alphabet or reinforce these lessons.This app also praises the child after getting a full house or what not which will help them remember their lesson. This feature of the Android phone can come in very handy when trying to teach younger kids information.
The Android phone can also help kids in a way that we would all expect. This is to keep safe. Android phones can help kids get in touch with their parents or carers very easily with the touchscreen technology. The touchscreen is very reliable and accurate so within one touch the child is contacting their parents or carers to keep safe or inform them of anything that they feel their parents need to know. The Android phone can also be used easily in any emergencies or urgent matters. The icons on the screen are very easy to see and touch so if the child user needs to contact a parent or carer quickly it is easily done. Another feature of the Android phone that can help kids is an app called ‘Kytephone’.
This app is a very straight forward app that allows parents or carers to select which apps their kids use which is very handy as then the kids cannot get onto any inappropriate content. This app can also allow the parents or carers to select who the kids are contacting, this can help the kid be safe and secure when talking or contacting people they do not know or that can be dangerous for them. This app can also allow parents or carers to choose how long their kid can stay on a certain app or game for, this can help the child by not over using their phone and get a much more healthier lifestyle. With not having too much time on the app it can help them get used to the outside world more and use their phones for more better things like the news or what not.