Through this article I shall teach YOU how to create a ringtone out of your favorite MP3 song, or just a favorite part of it. You’ll need some software to do this, but threat not for it is free.

The programs needed are Audacity and Audacity LAME MP3 Encoder. Just Google those two and you’ll find them. They’re free, so no reason NOT to search for them.

First of all, the size or length of the MP3 song is unimportant since I mentioned before you can choose any part of it to  create the ringtone.

So let’s begin this small guide.

  • Open Audacity
  • Click on Fire and select Open. After that, open the MP3 you’d like to convert into a ringtone. Upon selecting it, you will see a wave bar showing the frequency that the song can reach.
  • Drag your mouse over the selection of the song that you wish to set as your ringtone. The recommended length for a ringtone is under 45 seconds, otherwise certain bugs may occur.  In order to make sure that you have the right part of the song selected, click play for any eventuality.
  • After you’ve selected what you wanted, click on File and select Export Selection as MP3. This is where the LAME MP3 Encoder comes into play, since you will be asked to select your encoder. Select that and you’re good to go.
  • Follow any coming prompts and make sure that the file has been saved.

Well that was about it with the creation part. Now to adding it to your Phone. You can do this via USB data cord.

There’s always the other method as well, just go to your phone settings, select SD and memory settings and select Use SD card as storage  device. That should do the trick.

After all of this is done go to My Computer and in the Phone folder create a new folder in the music part called ringtones. You can also create alarms and notifications sounds as well, just create the folders called alarms and notifications.

All that is left is to move the created file to any of the folder that you’ve created and that you desire and it’s ready.

You’ve now created your own ringtone. Your parents should be proud of you.

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