This is like a mobile cook-book with other useful advice as well, from what I’ve seen. Aside from the recipes that you can find online via this app, it also offers an additional option that not many do : by saying what ingredients you already own, it automatically finds you all the recipes that can be made with the said ingredients. Having a database so large, it would be wrong for this app not to have categories as well. It has some categories as follows : main dishes, appetizers, drinks, side dishes, desserts, ethnic recipes, soups, stews and even diet recipes.

Some features of this complex application are as follows :

  • Complete recipes directions, ingredients and reviews.
  • Search recipes by ingredients and food title.
  • Forums on food related topics.
  • Bookmark recipes for quick access. Just like a cookbook.
  • Full functional forums with emphasis in recipes, food and health.
  • Full sharing of recipes to: email, sms, twitter, facebook and others.
  • Sharing and send links to so your friends can see your recipes.
  • Create your own recipes; share with friends and community.
  • Save and share your shopping list to help you later when doing grocery shopping.

This app also offers a secondary advantage, that of having a sort of integrated “wiki” in which you can add details about your creations and pictures as well. It’s highly synced with many social networks and stuff like that.

All and all, this is a pretty complex app that does a great amount of things. You can get this wonderful app from the Android Market.

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