Today I’ll be telling you a thing or two about the Nokia X, or the Nokia Normandy, depending on how you want to look at it ( both names apply, but stores in my area sell it under the Nokia X name, […]
The Sony Xperia E1 – one of the newest low-budget phones from Sony. Off-the-bat, I think I should mention that this device is also available with a Dual-SIM – that version being called the Sony Xperia E1 Dual – but from a technical point […]
Each year Samsung prides itself on releasing what is in their opinion the best Android phone of the year. While I try to be an impartial observer and never take sides or preferences in the matter of choice between mobile devices, I […]
Carriers all over the world are trying to make you to buy bigger and expensive voice plans, trying to convince you that you really need all those minutes. You might end up paying 50-100$ monthly for a service where you only use […]
Google Nexus 5, produced by LG was released on 30 October, and the question that was on the most people lips is: “Is this the best Smartphone in the market ?”. If it is the best smartphone, it will remain in history […]