Huawei isn’t very well known where I’m from, but upon starting a minor search on the wonderful Google, I have learned quite a bit in quite a short amount of time. Apparently they aren’t what they got to be considered here. Their […]
In the past, we’ve talked a bit about HTC Rhyme. This time we are going into detail. Now this phone has been made especially for the ladies. From the color, right down to the shape and features, its got girlish written all […]
Sony Ericsson was once one of the best. It still is among those few that can claim they are giants, but it is no longer that great. Their Smartphones look terrific, state of the art in aspect, shape and everything related to […]
Although Acer is mostly recognized for their exquisite work on tabs and laptops, they thought they could try their luck with the Smartphones as well. Not the worst of ideas ever since this phone looks like more than just a wild toss […]
Motorola has actually started to do some magnificent work lately. Now I’m not saying they had been slaking in the past, but their latest projects do seem to stand out of the crowd a bit more than any of their previous projects. […]