With 2011 ending, we can tell for sure that those phones announced in 2011 will come out in 2012. Here is a list of some of the more unique ones, since all of the others seem to be just different […]
This article / top is written with the sole purpose of summing up some of the best phones to emerge and hit the market in 2011. Now due to the high release of Android Phones and the great flood of them in […]
This is a sensational device from H T C (hence the name). It has been brought to my attention that I have reviewed some versions of the HTCSensation, but I’ve never actually said anything about the original, the one everything started from, […]
I’ve reviewed the Sensation XL in the past. So right now, I shall review this version of the Sensation androidphone from the H.T.C. It’s name says exactly what it is, a sensational device. If you look below you will see how strong […]
This is yet another version of the ever-so-strong Galaxy SII. I know I’ve posted about some other SIIs as well, but this one is pretty strong. Guaranteed to be around for at least a couple of years. Actually, the Galaxy S series […]