Asus has recently launched the PadFone S and an LTE variant of its ZenFOne 5 smartphone in its homeland – Taiwan. The PadFone S is the international model of the PadFone X, device that was introduced by AT&T a few months ago. They’re both pretty neat devices and are currently on sale ( as you may have guessed from the title ).

The Asus PadFone S has a 5-inch Full HD display, and as opposed to the PadFOne X that runs on a Snapdragon 800 chipset, the global variant will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 chipset clocked at 2.3 GHz. Aside from the upgraded chip, the other hardware specs remain unaltered, specifically 2 GB of RAM, 16 GB of internal memory, a 13 MP rear camera and a 9-inch tablet dock.

The LTE variant of the ZenFone 5 has had a few significant changes from the 3G model. It now comes with a 1.2 GHz Qualcomm SNpadragon 400 chipset instead of the Intel Atom Z2580 processor. Having a new processor, the ZenFone5 now supports all the LTE bands in the country. All other specs, however, remain unchanged – specifically: a 5 inch HD display, 2 GB of RAM and an 8 MP main camera.

Both the Asus PadFone S and the Asus ZenFone 5 LTE will be availabe in Taiwan from today on and will cost about 9.999 TWD ( or circa 335 dollars ) and 6.990 TWD ( or around 235 dollars ) respectively. The tablet dock for the PadFone S is sold separately and will cost you around 5.000 TWD ( or 170 dollars ).

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